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The main provisions of Plato's opinion about the power of that people. How does philosophy help to touch the soul?

How philosophy helps to touch the soul

The subject of social philosophy is the spіlna activity of people of conscience. The development of sustainability is such a science, like sociology. His zagalnennya and vysnovki about suspіlniy ustrіy and forms of social behavior of people to make history. What is new in the world of people's mind to bring philosophy itself?
Let's take a look at the value of socialization - the acquisition of special values ​​and cultural awareness, vibrated by society. At the center of the respect of the sociologist will be those officials (suspіlnі іnstituti, social groups), under the influence of which the process of socialization is being built up in the society. The sociologist examined the role of self, enlightenment, embracing groups of the same type, contributing to the development of special values ​​and norms. History of the Church and the real process of socialization in the contemporary singing historical era. Vіn shukatime vіdpovіdі so, for example, nіtnаnja: yоkі values ​​\u200b\u200bare added to children in the Western European peasant sim of the 18th century? Why did they teach children at the Russian pre-revolutionary gymnasium? І etc.
What about a social philosopher? At the center of yoga respect, there are serious problems: why is support necessary and what is the special process of socialization for? How many components, with all the diversity of forms and appearances, may have a stable character, so that they are created in any kind of suspension? How is it to singly impose on the individual the hromadas and set the priorities of spivvіdnosti z pogogo to її vnutrishnyї svoboda? Why has the value of will like that?
Mi, scho social philosophy is brutalized to the analysis of the most extreme, stable characteristics; won't put the appearance in a wider social context (special freedom and її mezhі); heavy to heavy weights.

Svіy povnotsіnniy contribution of social philosophіy to rob at the rozrobka of a great stake of problems: suspіlstvo yak tіlіsnіst (spіvvіdnоshennia suspіlstva i priroda); regularities in suspensory roses (like stench, like they appear in life, what are the laws of nature); Suspension structure as a system (as a visualization of the main components and subsystems of the Suspension, as a way to see the links and interactions to ensure the sustainability of the Suspension); sense, directing that resource in the suspіlnogo rozvitkovі (as spіvvіdnosya stіykіstі іnіnіvіstі і іnіnіvіst іn suspіlny rozvitkovі, yakі yogo osnovnі dzherela, yakі sprаvіvіnіst suspіlno-іstoricheskogo rostіvіv, іn thієєєєєєєєє єієєє ієє і іі yоogo interіі); spivvіdnoshennia spiritual and material aspects of the life of Suspіlstva (what is it for seeing these sides, like the stench vzaєmodіyut, chi you can take one of them into the primordial one); a person as a subject of social activity (control of activity in the behavior of creatures, authority as a regulator of activity); features of social awareness
Many of these problems are far away from the world.
Basic understanding: branches of science, social and humanitarian knowledge, sociology as a science, political science as a science, social psychology as a science, philosophy.
Terms: subject of science, philosophical pluralism, speculative activity.

Flip yourself

1) Why are the most significant aspects of the supremacy of the sciences in the natural sciences? 2) Provide examples of various classifications of scientific knowledge. What is laid in the foundation? 3) Name the main groups of social and human sciences that are considered for further study. 4) What is the subject of sociology? Describe the realities of sociological knowledge. 5) What is political science? 6) Why is there a link between social psychology and other areas of scientific knowledge?
7) What inspires and what brings philosophy and science closer?
8) What are the problems and why are they brought to the eternal nourishment of philosophy? 9) Why is the pluralism of philosophical thought manifested? 10) What are the main divisions of philosophical knowledge? 11) Show the role of social philosophy in roman society.

1. Analyze the language of two German philosophers.
“Just as the sciences from their cloaks took away the authenticity of that absurd knowledge, then philosophy did not reach it, unrespectfully trying to stretch out a thousand years. It is impossible not to recognize: philosophy has no one-stayness of what is left of the known ... Those who, whatever the image of philosophy, do not corrode to one-stay of knowledge, cry out from nature її right ”(K. Jaspers).
“The history of philosophy shows ... that philosophical beliefs that are created differently are only one philosophy on different stones and development” (G. Hegel).
Which one of them seems to be more reconcilable? Why? How do you understand the words of Jaspers about those who see the existence of one-stay in philosophy “weeps from nature and is right”?
2. One way Plato’s camp is conveyed as follows: “Unfortunate people should not start before, lower Volodarians will philosophize the philosophy of panuvati...” Explain your opinion. Guess the history of the birth and the development of scientific knowledge, and think about what Plato could have said under the word "philosophy".

Correct from dzherelom

Read the passage from the book by V.Ye. Kemerovo.

Philosophy about social science

The very term “social-humanitarian knowledge” points to those that social science is “stacked” from two different types of knowledge, so that this term fixes not the style of communication, but the skill of authority. The situation of the formation of the scientific sophistication of science "pidkripila" cі vіdmіnnostі, vіdokremіvshi, from one side, social sciences, orientation of the formation of structures, deep links and regularities, i, from the other side, humanitarian knowledge with this installation on a concretely individual description of the phenomena and subdivisions of life, human interactions and special features. Nutrition about the development of the social and the humane in modern science was the subject of ongoing discussions; For hours of these discussions, either the guides of a clear methodological definition of disciplines (i, apparently, demarcation), or the guides of their methodological convergence (and subject integration) were interfering. However, it is important to note that the distinction between social and humanistic disciplines of scientific social science was interpreted as a “natural” situation, which reflects the global logic under that connection of human activity. The very formalization of this situation in the recent and recent history of the formation of scientific sophistication, as a rule, was not taken to the point of respect.
Vіdmіnnostі social sciences and humanіtаnіtаrіnіnіnіnnіа vyyavlyalis і vіdnosinakh sіspіlstvoznavstva svіdnosіnі svіdomistyu people. The social sciences were clearly opposed to everyday knowledge as a specific field of theories, to understand and concepts that are “high” above the uninterrupted perception of people in their everyday life (the dogmatic Marxism has the idea of ​​promoting a scientific vision of everyday people’s behavior). The humanitarian knowledge of the greater world called for the schemes of the universal human knowledge, spiraled on them, moreover, it often assessed science inducements through their evidence to the forms of individual butt and knowledge. In other words, just as for the social sciences, people were elements of this objective picture, as they signified sciences, then for humanitarian knowledge, on the other hand, forms of scientific activity, they clarified their meaning as a scheme, included before and after the individual life of people.
Question and answer: 1) What two types of knowledge include suspensive knowledge? 2) What do social sciences think of as humanistic knowledge? 3) What are the social and humanitarian science disciplines? 4) Fold a table, in the first column write down all the judgments in the text that characterize the social sciences, and in the other - the name of the humanities disciplines, to such a stench lie.

§ 2. People and souls in early myths and early philosophical studiesjennyah

For a long time, Lyudina has been thinking about herself, her place in a new world, about seeing lonely people, about the nature and nature of the great power, which directly develops a team, spilnoty, power. The picture of the world and the world of people in the new was marked on early myths, which were practically found in all peoples. A new stage in the comprehension of the existent and the obstruction of the unreliable became the philosophical ideas of the vchennya, hanging in Ancient India, China, Greece. Philosophy in that early era, the development of humankind absorbed knowledge about the world and the people.
Having turned back to the appearance of people of the distant past about the world and ourselves, we can better understand the turns and the straightening of the evolution of these by looking at, especially the light perception of the modern people.


The word "myth" resembles a Greek. mythos - tell, retell. Vrakhovuyuchi value, deyakі othozhnyuyut myth іz legend, charіvnoy kazkoy (mabut, and richly someone from you so put to ancient Greek myths, with which you learned in the lessons of history). For the ancient people, those who oppose the myth were not a guess, even though the language could go about fantastic hypotheses, in which the modern people cannot succumb to the same logic. You can make a report about the recognition of the myth in the form of a fairy tale and retelling by reading the passages from the dzherel, placing the paragraph in the example.
From the course of history, you know that for a long time people have been considered as a part of the soul, and the soul has been respected by a part of nature. At їhnіy svidomosti people, that nature did not stand alone against one another. The light of nature is overlaid with human characteristics. Tsya osoblivіst svіdomosti ancient people clearly signified on the myths. Ale, they showed up and other rices of light, as the pastors called mythological evidence.
Let's try to understand the peculiarities of the mythological evidence, stating yoga about those who perceive the light of a modern person. For example, we watch out for sweatshirts and sunsets, and we know that the stench is tied to the wrappings of the Earth; mi bachimo baby, like, skipping over from one grown to another, from the capture of his skin, and understandably, the child begins to form self-confidence. In other words, between our bezpriynyatty apparitions and thoughts, how to rob yogo we will understand, to stand like a knot, visnovki, universal law thinly. reality and visibility. Everything that poured into the mind without a trace, feeling that will, was real. Dreams were also looked at like reality, like an enemy, taken away in reality, and turned on the other side, they were often made more significant. That is why the ancient Greeks and Babylonians often spent nothing at the sacred place, spodіvayuchis okrovennya vі snі.
Touching the world, zіshtovhuyuchis іz raznomanіtnymi yashchi, we put food: why and how do you see? For an old-timer people, the questions of reasons were brought to a conclusion on nutrition: who? Vіn zavzhd shukav cіlespryatvovanuu will, like repairing deya. Proyshov gracious doshch - the gods accepted the gift of people, the people died young - having indulged you to death.
Vіdmіnnim vіd vіd our bulo davnіh people that sprynyattya hour. The idea itself was not abstracted for an hour, for an hour it was accepted through the periodicity of that rhythm of human life: people, maturation, maturity, old age and death of a person, as well as changes in nature: the change of day and night, the fate of fate, the displacement of heavenly bodies.
The mythological evidence of the ancient peoples was primarly spryynyattya light as the arena of the struggle of the forces of divine and demonic, cosmic and chaotic. Lyudina bula was called to help the good forces, which, as they believed, lay down well. So the people have a ritual background of the life of an ancient people.
The most important podії were timed to the calendar saints. So, in Babylonia, the coronation always lasted until the beginning of a new natural cycle, more than the first day of a new fate, the celebration of a new temple was celebrated.
Archaic myths came in the past at the same time as the epoch that gave birth to them, philosophy, religion, and then science created new pictures of the world. Proteelementi of mythological thought are kept from the masses until today.

Long-standing Indian philosophy: how to veil in the suffering of the world

The first dzherel of religious and philosophical wisdom in Ancient India was the so-called Vedic literature(“Vida” - knowledge) - a great set of texts, which were put together for a long time (1200-600 pp. e.), in some of them they showed a strong mythological evidence. The light swells like a calm stand against the Cosmos and Chaos, the gods often act in isolation of natural forces.
Zrozumіlіshoy and at the same time more philosophic and other group of texts, which appeared later, - Upanishads(the word itself means the process of instructing the sage of his teachings). In these texts itself, the idea of ​​reincarnation was first expressed - the resettlement of the souls of the living after their death. Kim chi chim will become a person in a new life, lie in yoga karmi. "Karma", which means "death, vchinok", has become a key concept in Indian philosophy. Vidpovidno to the law of a karmi, the one who, having done good deeds, lives in this world with moral standards, is born in a future life as a representative of one of the greatest castes of the suspіlstva. The same one, whose actions were not correct, may in the new life become a representative of the caste of the unsound, or to instill creatures, or to instill with a roadside stone that accepts wines, strike a thousand nig like a payment for the sins of a past life. In other words, we take away those who merit.
Can you change the unacceptable karma of what you can do with it? Sob to be a good little part in the future, a person is guilty of good rights and righteous lives to put the karmic bindings of a lot of money. The last path to the other is the life of an ascetic-pustelnik. “Changing the sweat of the day, look at the past, look at the future, look at what is between them. Like the mind of vibrancy, then no matter what happens, you will not come again until that old age is ruined.
Yet another way of the soul's will is yoga (good luck, svyazok). In order to acquire a complex of practical rights, the yoga system needs vitreousness, commitment, discipline, hard self-control. The meta of the main stages of training is self-control, self-control of the mind, isolation of the senses from the outward swells, concentration of the thought, meditation (gaze). In this rank, sens usich zusil yogi is not in demonstrating his miraculous ability and impressing the eyes of people, but in that I will reach it, helping the volition of the soul.
Approximately at V Art. to the sound i.e. in India Vinicla is a new philosophy, which is often called an "atheistic" religion (religion without God), - Buddhism. The Buddha - enlightenment - was called the founder of the new vchennya, since he knew how to win from the fundamental nutrition of human life.
Prices are also directed at the pranks of the shlyakhіv of the spiritual will of the people. The very camp of such a willful Buddha called nirvana. Lyudina, as if it were not possible to reach nirvani, is guilty of learning how to let herself go, which will show her in the world. The Buddha, having voted chotiri "nobility truths": the light of the resurrection of suffering; the cause of human suffering is in physical bazhannyah, worldly passions; yakshcho usunut bazhanya, then die addiction and human suffering will come to an end; so that I can reach it, in which there is no bazhan, I need to follow the singing - "eight" - way.
It is important to keep up with the order of morality: do not misbehave with living things, do not take someone else's, take care of fenced state contacts, do not lead legends and false promotions, do not fawn on drunken liquors.
In such a rank, the central motive of the old Indian philosophy was to add human disharmony and inadequacy of action to the way out of her in her inner world, for whom there are no predilections that bazhan.


Behind the manifestations of the ancient Chinese, a person who unites darkness and light, a woman and a person, passive and active, takes up the middle of the camp near the world and calls to hem it into two cobs: more actively, which visvitlyuє way of knowledge). Such a camp signifies the middle path of the people, the role of the mediator: “I pass it on, but I don’t create it.” Through the people, the son of Heaven, heavenly grace descends to earth and expands everywhere. A person is not the king of the All-World, not a volunteer of nature. The best behavior for a person is the inheritance of the natural course of speech, activity without destroying the world (the principle of “wei”). If you reach extremes, it’s out of your reach to go over: “Turn into misfortunes, those that were good fortune, but happy rest on misfortune.”
Tsі provisions were developed by pribіchniki Taoism(“Vchennya about the way”) - one of the direct ancient Chinese philosophy, the largest representative of which is Lao Tszi. The central concept for Lao Tszi was "tao", as it is most often translated as "way".
On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd spoglyadnostі taoism Confucianism it was closely connected with earthly problems. The creator of this arc of great and great significance in the life of the Chinese suspіlstva Confucius (551-479 BC) is alive approximately at the hour when Buddha and Pіthagoras (Greek philosopher and mathematician). Already in his youth, Confucius, having become a lecturer, had over three thousand scholars, in the form of conversations, from which yogo thoughts have come down to us.
At the center of its own philosophy, the thinker put the understanding of the people. Humanity, mercy (zhen) is the responsibility to pierce the stosunki for people. Everyday life needs to be vigilant with singing rules. The smut of them - do not work for others that which you do not care for yourself. Adopt such a behavior to help maintain a strict order (chi), etiquette norms. “If a noble person is accurate and doesn’t spend time, if he’s more than a few and doesn’t break the harmony, then people are between the seas and the other brothers,” Confucius said.
Ottognyayuchi suspіlstvo z power, the philosopher attaching great respect to the nourishment of the "correct" sovereign order. So, on one thought, a power can come into its own, a girl of position, a crim of a burned emperor, borrows a ball of people (zhu), so that the authorities of philosophers, writers, scholars and officials will become powerful. The state itself is the only great homeland, the de sovereign is “the son of Heaven”, that “father and mother of the people”. Regulating the role of tsієї "sіm'ї" win over the moral norms. And the bindings of the skin member of the cієї spіlnoti signify a social position. We saw the ruler and the confederates of the philosopher, having spoken with these words: “The essence of the pan is like the wind, and the essence of ordinary people is like the grass. And if the wind is blowing over the grass, you can pick it up, but get sick.”
Step-by-step Confucianism was established in China as a sovereign ideology. Today, it plays an important role in Chinese culture and culture.
Considering the philosophical navchans of Ancient India and China, I believe that the old-fashioned philosophy has not yet been revealed about a person as a specialty. The greatest value was respected not by a person, but by a non-special absolute (the spirit of the All-World, the Sky is thin). The greater number of religious and philosophical currents shrugged off a person to the point of contemplation, accepting the inadequacies of conscience as an inevitable given, poshukіv harmony in his inner state. Vinyatok became Confucianism, directed at the harmonization of ideas between people. Document

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  • Plato's robots can be seen up to the classical period of ancient philosophy. This particularity is in the joint problems of that solution, which were earlier turned by the successors. For tse Plato, Democrat and Aristotle are called taxonomists. Plato the philosopher is also the ideological opponent of Democracy and the founder of the objective.


    The boy, known to us under the name of Plato, was born 427 years before our age and was named Aristocles. The city of Athena became the place of the people; Yogo father became Ariston, whose root descended to Tsar Kodri. Mother was a wise woman and small in name of Periktion, she was the relative of the philosopher Solon. Yogi's relatives were prominent old-time Greek politicians, and the lad instantly followed their path, but such activity "for the good of the welfare" was not befitting to you. All those who have succumbed to the right of the people, were able to receive good illumination - the best, available at that hour in Athens.

    The youthful period of Plato's life is disgusting. Information, to understand, as it has passed yogo formation, is not enough. Greater experience in the life of a philosopher from acquaintance with Socrates. At that time Platonov was nineteen years old. Being a teacher and a philosopher, I would hardly have taken up the training of an unremarkable young man, similar to one-liners, but Plato was also a prominent figure: he took part in the national Pifian and Іstmіysk sports games, taking up sports in gymnastics. poetry. Plato should be credited with the authorship of epigrams, works, like a heroic epic and a dramatic genre.

    Biography of the philosopher to revenge and episodes of his participation in military activities. Vіn is alive during the hour of the Peloponnesian war and having fought at Corinth and Tanagri, practicing philosophy at breaks between battles.

    Plato became the most beloved and the most beloved of the teachings of Socrates. I’ve reached the point of becoming a teacher on the Apologia TV series, in which Plato clearly painted the portrait of the teacher. After the death of the rest of the voluntary acceptant, Plato left the place and went to the island of Megari, and then - to Kiren. There he began to take lessons from Theodore, learning the basics of geometry.

    Having finished his studies there, the philosopher moved to Egypt to learn from the priests of mathematical science and astronomy. At that hour, it was popular among philosophers to take over the knowledge of the Egyptians - Herodotus, Solon, Democritus and Pythagoras went into it. In this country, Plato's statement about the number of people in the camp was formed. Plato used to perekonany, that a person is guilty of spending in that chi іnsu caste for yoga zdіbnosti, and not for trips.

    Turning back to Athens, at the forty rocks, opened a high school, as if taking away the name of the Academy. Vaughn was placed up to the most important philosophical initial mortgages not only in Greece, but also in modern antiquity, where the Greeks and Romans were taught.

    The peculiarity of Plato's practice at tsomu, scho vin, on the vіdmіnu of the reader, rozpovіd dumіv vvlyadі dialogues. Vikladayuchi, Vіn koristuvsya method of feeding and vіdpovіdey more often, nizh monologues.

    Death overtook the philosopher at the vіtsі vіsіmdesyati rokіv. Yogo was honored with the order of his child - the Academy. The tomb was later dismantled and this year no one could see where the remains were buried.

    Ontology of Plato

    Being a taxonomist, Plato synthesizing the achievements, introduced by philosophers before him, in a great whole system. Vіn becoming the founder of idealism, and in yoga philosophy, a lot of nourishment was destroyed: knowledge, movement, vihovannia, political order, mysticism. The main concept is an idea.

    On the thought of Plato, under the idea, it is possible to understand the correct existence of any object, its ideal state. To touch the idea, it is necessary to speed up not with the senses, but with the intellect. The idea, being a form of speech, is inaccessible to sensitive knowledge, it is bodyless.

    The concept of idea is the basis of Plato's anthropology. The soul is made up of three parts:

    1. reasonable ("golden");
    2. willow cob ("sribny");
    3. bazhayuchoy part ("middle").

    Proportions, in some of them endowed with listed parts, may be different. Plato admitting that stench can form the basis of the social structure of society. And ideally, the responsibility of the mother is threefold:

    1. rulers;
    2. wart;
    3. anniversaries.

    Until the rest, I began to bring in merchants, craftsmen and villagers. Vidpovidno to the point of structure, the skin man, a member of the suspenst, was engaged in only as little as possible. The first two do not need to be consumed by the created family and by the private authority.

    Okremo stand Plato's idea about two vidi. Vіdpovіdno to them, the first kind - tse light, which is eternal in its immutability, representations of the right essences. Tsej svіt is іsnuє independently from the surroundings of the outer world of the material world. Another kind of buttya is the middle between two equals: ideas and materials. In every world, the idea arises by itself, but real speeches become shadows of such ideas.

    In the descriptions of the world, the presence of a person and a woman began. The first is active, and the other is passive. Rich, materialized in the world, maє material that idea. The rest of the goiter is bound by its immutable, eternal part. The speeches are sensible, twisted by the fermentation of one's own ideas.

    Quote about the soul

    Rozmirkovuyuchi about the soul of a man in his vchenni, Plato induce chotiri prove the melancholy of that which is immortal:

    1. Cyclicity, for which the origin of protylezhnosti. The stench can be used without one alone. Shards of the presence of the greater may be on the verge of the manifestation of the lesser, the basis of death to testify to the reality of immortality.
    2. Knowing the truth is the wisdom of past lives. Tі understand, like people do not start - about beauty, faith, justice - є eternal, immortal and absolute, bringing souls already at the moment of their birth. And the shards of the soul may be aware of the same understanding, it is immortal.
    3. The duality of speeches should be made up to the immortality of souls and the mortality of bodies. The body is a part of the natural shell, and the soul is a part of the divine in humans. The soul develops and knows, tіlo bazhaє satisfies the lowlands, almost that instinct. Shards of the body cannot live for the presence of the soul, then the soul can be alive with the body.
    4. The skin is rich in immutable nature, so that the white color will never become black, and the guy - unpaired. For this, death is the beginning of a process of decay, which is not a primal life. Oskіlki tіlo tlіє, yogo sutnіstyu є death. Being proliferating to death, life is immortal.

    Numbers of ideas are reportedly described in such works of the ancient thinker as "Phaedrus" and "Derzhava".

    Vchennya about pіznannya

    Philosopher of perekonaniya, scho pochuttіv shlyakhutіv can be touched only by the language of speech, even though the essence of the day is known by the mind. Knowing is not intelligible, not in correct thoughts, not in singing sensations. Under true knowledge, knowledge is understood, as it penetrated into the world of ideas.

    Dumka - part of the speeches that are accepted by the senses. Feelings of knowledge are impermanent, the shards of schile until the new speech are shaken by the lack of liquidity.

    Part of the knowledge is to become the concept of help. Apparently, before her, human souls remember ideas, in the house until the moment of resurrection with this physical body. The truth is revealed to them, who, in spite of themselves, close their eyes, guess the divine past.

    Lyudina, as you know, can not consume from knowledge. And the one who does not know anything does not know what to say.

    Plato's theory of knowledge goes up to the anamnesis - the theory, guess what.

    Dialectics of Plato

    Dialectics in the practice of the philosopher can be called another - "the science of being." The thought is active, as a sensitive soul is spared, there are two ways:

    1. vishіdny;
    2. low.

    The first path transfers from one idea to another until the other idea is revealed. Having bumped into it, the human mind begins to converge at the gate straight, passing from common ideas to private ones.

    Dialectic starts buttya and nebuttya, one and the same rich, calm and ruh, the same the other. The development of the rest of the sphere brought Plato to the development of the formula of matter and idea.

    Political and legal doctrine of Plato

    Rozuminnya arrange Suspіlstva that power led to the fact that Plato gave them a lot of respect in his navchannyah and systematized them. At the center of political and legal education, the real problems of people were placed, but not the natural-philosophical precepts of the state.

    Ideal Plato calls that type of power, which has established a long time ago. Some people did not consider the consumption in the blood, but they attached themselves to philosophical achievements. After that, the stench stumbled upon the struggle and began to demand benefits for self-saving. At the moment, when the settlements were formed, the state was victorious as a way to manage the distribution of the satisfaction of various needs of people.

    Negative Plato calls such a power, as it can have one of the following forms:

    1. timocracy;
    2. oligarchy;
    3. tyranny;
    4. democracy.

    At the first vlad, people hold power in their hands, they may be addicted to luxury and special wealth. Democracy is developing in another way, but the difference between riches and other classes is colossal. For democracy, the poor stand up against the power of riches, and tyranny is short to the revival of the democratic form of sovereignty.

    Plato's philosophy about politics and law also saw two main problems of all lands:

    • incompetence of top officials;
    • corruption.

    Negative powers may represent material interests. So that the state has become ideal, in the middle of the world there can be moral principles, for which the hulks live. Art can be subject to censorship, godlessness - punishable by death. Sovereign control can be exercised over the usual spheres of human life in such a utopian state.

    Ethically look

    The ethical concept of this philosopher is divided into two parts:

    1. social ethics;
    2. individual, chi special ethics.

    Individual ethics is not necessary to improve morality and intellect through the harmonization of the soul. The body is distinguished by it, like that, that it can be brought to the light of the senses. Only the soul allows people to get stuck in the world of immortal ideas.

    The human soul has many sides, the skin of some powerful concrete honesty, can be briefly expressed like this:

    • to a reasonable boci - wisdom;
    • ox - masculinity;
    • affective - fading.

    Rehabilitation of garlic - inborn and є slabs on the path of harmony. Plato to make sense of the life of people in convergence to an ideal world,

    Plato's scholars developed yoga ideas and passed them on to future philosophers. Sticking around the spheres of a suspіlnogo and individual life, Plato formulated a rich law of the development of the soul and rounded up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bimmortality.

    Im'ya Plato - a philosopher, who is alive in ancient Greece, not only in the home of students of historical and philosophical faculties. Yogo vchennya and practice in the whole world zavdyaks zusilyam, as reported by the followers of that educational Platonist school once again for yoga life. As a result of this, the ideas of Plato were taken away broadly and began to broaden rapidly with Greece, and then with Ancient Rome, and the stars in the same numerical colony.

    The life of that diyalnistness of the philosopher was rіznomanіtnoy, which is connected with the peculiarities of the Greek society of 5-4 tbsp. BC

    Molding Plato's lightgazer

    On the occasion of the philosopher's veneration, a great influx was raised by the hobbies, sim'ya, enlightenment, the political system of Helladi. The biographies of Plato respect that he was born in either 428 or 427 r. BC, and died in 348 or 347 roci BC.

    At the moment Plato appeared in the world in Greece, there was a war between Athens and Sparta, as it took away the name of the Peloponnese. The reason for the international struggle was the installation of a splash over the empire of Hellas and colonies.

    Im'ya Plato was taught either as a teacher of the struggle, or as a philosopher in his youth, when the names were given to him by Aristocles. In the translation of the old Greek language “Plato” means wide or broad-shouldered. For one version, Aristocles engaged in wrestling, mav great and mіtsnu staturu, for which the reader called Yogo Plato. Another version is to talk about those who winklo through the ideas and look at the philosopher. Є th third option, for which Plato maw dosit wide cholo.

    Aristocles was born in Athens. Yogo s_m'ya vzdavshalas dosit noble and aristocratic, scho conduct controversy in the presence of king Kodra. Practically nothing is known about the boy's father, Ariston was the best name for everything. Mother - Periktiona - took an active part in the life of Athens. Among the relatives of the future philosopher, the distinguished political hero Solon, the ancient Greek playwright Critiy, the orator Andokid, came to mind.

    Plato had one sister and three brothers - two relatives and one star, and people from them did not get carried away with politics. That Aristocles himself, after reading books more beautifully, folding verses, talking with philosophers. Tsim engaged in yoga brothers.

    The lad took off the garne for that hour of light, which was formed from the lessons of music, gymnastics, literacy, painting, literature. In young people, the fates of the wines, having become the folds of tragedies, epigrams, as if they were attached to the gods. The hoarding of literature did not respect Plato to take a part in different games, wrestling, wrestling tournaments.

    On the philosophy of Plato, a majestic infusion was poured out:

    • Socrates, who turned the life of that youthful light-gazer. Socrates herself gave Plato the honor of the one who is truth and high value in life, as they can bestow blessings, beauty. You can take away these privileges only through hard work, self-knowledge and thoroughness.
    • The vchennya sophistiv, stverdzhuvali, scho є social nerіvnіnі, and morality - tse vgadka weak, and in Greece the most appropriate aristocratic form of rule.
    • Euclid, when the scholars of Socrates were chosen. Every hour the stench wondered about the teacher, they experienced his death. Just after moving to Megara, Plato vindicated the idea that the light is dearer, like a believer, like a teacher, that wisdom is transmitted to other people. And for whom you need to travel, that splkuvatisya.

    More expensive

    Historians have not stood up to the end, having violating Plato on the back of his head. Possibly, tse buv Babylon and Assyria. Wise men from these lands gave you knowledge about magic and astronomy. Kudi pishov mandruuchy Greek, biographers can only allow. The middle version is Phenicia, Judea, Egypt, a small town of Pivnichnoi Africa, de vin with the greatest mathematicians of that hour - Theodore and Aristippus. From the first philosopher, he took lessons in mathematics, becoming step by step closer to the Pythagoreans. About їхній vpliv on platonіvsku philosophіy to speak those, scho Plato vvchav vvchav raznі symbols of Cosmos and human buttya. The Pythagoreans helped to build the philosopher's confession to the chitkish, suvorish, strunkish, last and universal. Tsі principle vіn potіm vykoristav for razglyady dermal object and the creation of high theories.

    The company of Plato at the dearest clave of Eudoxus, who glorified Hellas in the sphere of astronomy and geography. At once they saw the appointed country, and then for a trivaly hour they rushed to Sicily. Zvіdsi vіn pіshov in Sіrakuzi, de got to know the tyrant Dionysієm. Trival trip to 387 BC.

    From Syracuse, Plato is maddened by the sound of ticking, being afraid of the tyrant being retried. Ale home the Greek did not get away. Yogo was sold into slavery on the island of Egina, de Yogo having bought one of the bagmen. Plato was immediately released into the wild.

    After the old mandrіvok, the philosopher again stumbled in Athens, de buying a budinok from the garden. Previously, there was a pagan sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Athena. According to the legend, the mіstsevіst bula was presented by Theseus to the hero Academ for special merits. Vin having punished the visitors here, olives and obshtuvat the sanctuary.

    Platonivska Academy

    The inhabitants of Athens began to call the place, de bagging Plato, the Academy. Tsya name slandered and gardens, and gymnastics, and ha. In 385 BC, a philosophical school was formed, which was founded until the 5th century. n.e., tobto. until the end of antiquity.

    The Academy was a form of association of wise men, who served Apollo and various muses.

    The academy was also called a museyon, and that of the founder - a sholarch. Tsikavo, what a successor of Plato was recognized for his life, as he had born his own nephew.

    Above the entrance to the Academy, there was an inscription “Negeometer that will not be seen”, which means that the entrance to the school is closed to everyone who does not respect mathematics and geometry.

    The main subjects at the school were astronomy and mathematics, they were busy with the hard and individual system. The first type should be occupied by the general public, and the other - it is not enough to finish the narrow stake of people who wanted to cultivate philosophy.

    Academicians of the Academy lived in the gymnasium, which was due to the strict order of the day, established by Plato himself. Vrantsі uchnіv waking up the ringing of the alarm clock, like having made a philosopher independently. The scholars lived ascetically, like the Pythagoreans preached, ate all at once, spent many hours in silence, thought, cleared their thoughts.

    Classes at the Academy were conducted by Plato, yoga scholars, and graduates of the philosophical school, who successfully completed the course of study. Rozmovi passed by the garden chigayu, budinka, de bulo possessed a special exedra.

    Academicians of the Platonov Academy paid special attention to the development of such sciences:

    • Philosophy;
    • mathematics;
    • Astronomy;
    • Literature;
    • Botany;
    • Law (zokrema, i, power);
    • Natural science.

    Among the scholars of Plato were Lycurgus, Giperil, Philip Opuntsky, Demosthenes.

    Remain the fates of life

    If Plato was over 60 years old, he was asked again to Syracuse, where Dionysius the Younger ruled. For the songs of Dion, the emperor started to gain new knowledge. Plato was far from reconciling a tyrant with one who tyranny is an ineffective form of rule. Tse Dionysii-younger vyznav dosit shvidko.

    Through the tiles and machinations of the gates, Dion became his ruler from Syracuse, and he moved to live in Athens, in the Academy of Plato. Following his friend, the summer philosopher turned back home.

    Once again, Plato saw Syracuse, but remained restless in Dionysius, acquiring his treachery by extension to others. In Sicily, Dion was abandoned, which died at 353 r. BC The news about the death of a friend greatly knocked down the philosopher, becoming sick and resting on his own. The day of Plato's death has not been precisely established. It is important that Vin died on the day of his birthday. Before his death, he gave freedom to his slave, punishing him to make a commandment, like a small lot of the philosopher was distributed to friends.

    The great Greek was buried in the Academy, the inhabitants of Athens erected a monument to Plato.

    Plato's robots

    In view of the wealth of ancient authors, whose creators attacked the current readers at the fragmentary camp, Plato's robots were saved for the most part. The correctness of some of them is put by biographers under sumniv, the result in historiography is called “Platonic food”. Zagalny retelling of the works of the philosopher:

    • 13 leaves;
    • Apology of Socrates;
    • 34 dialogues.

    Itself through the dialogues, the successors are constantly conversed. The best and most popular creations of the dialogue form are:

    • Phaedo;
    • Parmenides;
    • Sophist;
    • Timaeus;
    • Power;
    • Fedir;
    • Parmenides.

    One of the Pythagoreans, whose name was Trasill, who served as an astrologer at the court of the Roman emperor Tiberius, having seen and seen the works of Plato. The philosopher has broken all creations on the tetralogy, after which appeared Alcibiades the First and the Other, Superniki, Protagoras, Gorgias, Lysid, Cratil, Apology, Criton, Minos, Lawi, Pslyazakonnya, Listi, Power and others.

    Into the dialogues, seen under the names of Plato.

    The celebration of Plato's creativity and works began in the 17th century. So the titles of the "corpus of Plato's texts" began to be critically twisted by scholars, as if they tried to arrange things according to the chronological principle. Same vinykla pіdozra about those who do not do everything to fit the philosopher.

    Most of Plato's works were written in the form of a dialogue, in which court hearings and examinations were held in Ancient Greece. A similar form, as the Greeks believed, helped adequately and correctly depict emotions, I live my people. Dialogues most closely corresponded to the principles of objective idealism, the concept of which Plato had developed. Idealism is based on such principles as:

    • The primacy of witness.
    • Overriding ideas over boots.

    Plato did not specifically deal with the developments of dialectics, but that knowledge, but rather think about the problems and problems of philosophy and literature in numerical creations. For example, in the "sheets of Plato" chi "Derzhavi".

    Features of Plato's opinion

    • But the philosopher lived, rooted on three basic substances - the soul, the mind of the one. With this guilt, without giving a clear appointment to them, the investigators established that in certain places of guilt, one should supersede oneself at the appointed ones. This is evident from the fact that Plato tried to give clouding to given substances from different points of dawn. Those same stood for authority, as if they were attributed to understanders - often authority was not only superseded one by one, but mutually key, insane. "One" Plato interpreting, as the basis of buttya that action, vvazhayuchi the substance of the first basis. The only one has no sign of the day, like the authorities that you respect, like Plato, to know his day. One is one, without parts, it cannot be brought up to butt, that one can bring yoga to such categories as "negligible", "non-skinned", "rich". After what it is easy to understand, what is the only thing, it is impossible to understand, understand, understand about something new and interpret.
    • Rozum razumivsya Plato from a glance of ontology and epistemology. Philosopher vvazhav, scho is one of the reasons that vodbuvaetsya at the All-World, in heaven or on earth. Rozum, as if to believe Plato, is guilty of bringing order, rozuminnya to the All-world by people, as if they could interpret things with a reasonable look, stars, heavenly crypts, heavenly bodies, alive and non-living. Rozum is a ceratio, as if you live your life, looming the building of life.
    • The soul of Plato is divided into two parts - light and individual. The soul of light is a right substance, as Plato did not unequivocally understand it. Vіn vvazhav, scho substance is composed of elements - eternal and temporal daily life. The functions of the soul are the unification of the corporeal and the ideas, which is only to be blamed, if the demiurge wants, then. God.

    In this way, Plato's ontology will be based on three ideal substances, which are proved objectively. The stench vzagalі not pov'yazanі z tim, what she thinks to rob a man.

    Knowledge occupied a special place in the philosophy of the scientist. Plato, having taken into account that it is necessary to know the world through the knowledge of the world, to love the idea, to that he felt guilty. Dzherelom today, tobto. True knowledge can become known, but it can stimulate the process a little. You can only know ideas through your mind, mind.

    The dialectical conception of Plato was constantly changing, which, looking sharp and looking, as if following the Greek. Having respected the dialectic of doctrines with a good science, other scientific methods are grounded on it. If you look at dialectics as a method, then you should try to subdivide one into the other parts, so that you can call it to the whole. Such a rhyme once again to bring the super-explicitness of the ontological knowledge of Plato.

    More expensively, different lands celebrated a special injection into the molding of the social philosophy of Plato, which was the first in all of Greece to systematically exclaim knowledge about human supremacy and that power. Doslidniki vvazhayut, scho understand the philosopher ototozhnyuvav.

    Among the main ideas, like visuvav Plato shdo powers, next designate like this:

    • People created the lands, the shards of the bula were a natural need to unite. The method of such a form of organization of comradeship was the relief of the minds of life, the foundation, the government's activity.
    • People started to satisfy themselves with the needs of the authorities, so they began to get other problems to the top.
    • Bazhannia pozbutisya consume - one of the main tools of what people began to create powers.
    • Between the soul of a person, power and space, there is an invisible link, shards of stink can be a single beginning. You can find three cobs from the state, which are the ones that give cobs to the human soul. Tse sensible, bazhayuche, inveterate, yakі spіvvіdnosilis s doradchim, dilovim she zahisnim. From the business cob blamed three camps - philosophers, as if they were rulers, warriors, who became defenders, craftsmen and zealots, as they victorious the role of virobniki.
    • As soon as the skin zі stanіv correctly vikonuvatim its functions, then the power can be interpreted as fair.

    Plato recognized the basis of more than three forms of government - democracy, aristocracy and monarchy. First of all, I saw the democratic regime of Athens, having killed Socrates, who was the teacher of the philosopher.

    Through this, Plato, until the end of his life, tried to develop the concept of what kind of power that political system could be. Having looked at the dialogues from Socrates, with whom the “Laws” were written, he had his own peace of mind. The creations were not completed by Plato.

    At one time, the philosopher tried to know the image of a just person, as if, through democracy, the mother worked ideas and reason. Pozbutisya democracy can only be for the help of philosophers, such beliefs respected by true and rightly thought people. Having vvazhav, that the philosophers are guilty of borrowing less of the land in the state, cherubing others.

    Let's look at the food that is with the power, we will arrange the lands, the development of the political system, Plato dedicating his great tvir "Power". Deyakі ideas can be found in the creations of "Politician" and "Gorgia". In the same place, the concept of how it is possible to wiggle a right hulk is laid out. We can do it, as we will become a suspenstvo, to allow us to create the correct system for the distribution of material goods. About the state, the blame is on the part of the poor, for they are not engaged in commerce and do not lead private power.

    Ale, for special respect, the meritorious cosmological belief of Plato, what a rozumіv Cosmos and Vsesvit, like a cool. They did Yogo, we will kill him. Having created the Cosmos, the demiurge, which is navіv in the world. Light fills the soul, because є living essence. Tsіkave roztashuvannya soul. She is not known in the middle of the world, but ogorta yogo. The soul of light is made up of such important elements, as it turns out, earth, water and fire. Tsі vіstії Plato vvazhav head of the created world, in the presence of harmony, and visible blue, expressions of numbers. Such a soul can be well known. Light, creations by the creator, spryyaє appearance impersonal kіl - zіrok (stinks є unruhomimi) and planets.

    Plato thought about the structure of the world like this:

    • At the very top, buv rozum, tobto. demiurge.
    • Under him was a light soul and a light body, as it is customary to call Cosmos.

    Everything alive is the creation of God, who creates people from souls. The rest after the death of their lords move to new bodies. The soul is non-material, immortal, and that is eternal. The skin soul creates a demiurge only once. If it fills the body, then it consumes light of ideas from such titles, where the chariot with horses can carry the soul. One of them is a symbol of evil, and the other is of purity and uncomplicatedness. Through those that evil pulls the chariot down, it falls and the soul again consumes the physical body.

    The soul of Plato, like everything, has a simple structure. Zokrema, folded with greed, arrogance, and in the heat of the moment. Tse allows people to think, especially in the process of understanding and knowing the truth. The result of this is that a person step by step, through internal dialogues, overcomes the problems of power, rubbing, knowing the truth. Without such a logical connection, it is impossible to know objectivity. Philosophy of Plato to speak about those who have the power of dialectics in human thought, as they allow the essence of speeches to be mistaken.

    The ideas of the ancient Greek philosopher could have been developed further by the thinkers of the 19th century, as they brought dialectics to a new era. Ale її foundations were laid in ancient Greece.

    The ideas and philosophy of Plato developed after his death, penetrating into the middle and Muslim philosophical thoughts.

    As long as philosophers do not reign in the state, other kings and lords will not become nobly and groundedly philosophizing and not join together.- sovereign power and philosophy ... powers, that and the very kind of people, do not dare dashing.

    Injecting Socrates - his life and his philosophy - into European culture is important to reevaluate, but it is possible to understand the influx more easily on the respect of the scholars of the thinker. One of the most beloved and, madly, natalanovitish, was Plato (427-347 BC). Reference to the name of Plato - Aristocles. Prіzvisko Plato (Wide) was given to you in his youth for his strong stature. Vіn having resembled from a noble family, having obtained miraculous enlightenment, having risen in price richly, writing verses. At 20 rokіv vіn zvіvsya z Socrates, and one single vipadkova rozmova z ієyu people changed yogo life. Zgіdno z legend, after tsієї rozmovi Plato, having burned his virshovani, create and stop dreaming about political career. Tsіlih vіsіm vіsіm roіv vіn nіdhodiv vіd vіd vіdnogo vchitatel, the image of yоu picturing in his dialogues. After the death of Socrates, Plato left Athens, not vibacivshi the Athenians injustice on the occasion of his idol. Dekilka rokiv vіn mandruvav, and then turned back to the right place and fell asleep at 386 r. BC e. in Athens, the school that took the name Academy. The bula school was named so vipadkovo - it was just that it was in the gay, dedicated to the hero named after Academ. Ale z quiet fir the words “academy”, “academician” have gone way up to our time. Above the entrance to the Academy buv wrote: “Hey, don’t see here, you don’t know geometry”, oskіlki Plato buv evneniy, scho knowledge of mathematics is necessary for the correct thinking. The authority of Plato was great, because the Greeks called Yogo “Divine”: behind the legend of Yogo, the father was the god Apollo himself. The Academy woke up for a long time - 915 years. On the underside of the Academy, Plato and buried; behind the instructions, on the yoga grave, the following words were hung:

    Two blue Apollo -

    Aesculapius gave birth to Plato,

    That healer of the body, the healer of the soul.

    There have been 34 Platonic dialogues before us, of which 23 have been recognized with reference, and the rest of the surviving ones are saving sums in their authorship. Ale y 23 philosophic creations - chimalo in order to inspire the look of the philosopher. Thousands of volumes have been written about Plato; I'll try if I want to get stuck in the convent of the great thinker.

    Message about ideas

    In early works, Plato, like that її teacher Socrates, repeatedly analyzes such understanding, like justice, beauty, goodness. bud. Do stinks come from? What can be the result of the aggravation of the power of these objects, from which things are in life? The Sophists were cheering,

    what is the manifestation of beauty and justice of different people of different peoples. Likewise, the images of the beauty of the different epochs will be more important: the Middle Ages have a high forehead (women shave hair on their heads to grow more), small breasts, a small size, in the XVIII century. - written forms, and today the strings and high girls are adored with beauty.

    So right and right and justice. Some people are waging a "fair" struggle against other people, just like they are waging, in my opinion, a "fair" struggle. Later, as we choose to take up philosophy, so that we think honestly and consequently, then we may come up with two different situations. First: to recognize that “justice” and “beauty” are empty words, turn them off from the lexicon, replacing them with more precise words: replace “fair” - “those who can see me”, replace “beautiful” - “those who suit me ". How true is it to say “This girl’s garna” and “This girl suits me” are synonymous? Pretty sure. I might be like a bad girl, otherwise, navpaki, a black girl might not be like me. Another: to recognize that we already have a rank about beauty and justice, why we can evaluate different girls (mountainers, skinny horses) as beautiful, different people as fair. Thus killed Socrates. Ale Platon pishov dali. Vіn having admitted that it is impossible for the arrogant understanding to learn. stink nachebto "natural", Before we were born into the world, we already dreamed of absolute beauty and justice here, which it is impossible to know in our world.

    Speech navkolo mіnlivі, stinks blaming and humiliating, and mav raciu Heraclitus, who voted the main principle of the natural world to change. Ale, in order for these vague speeches to be possible, it is necessary for those who give them the cob, which is always and invariably, and which is reflected in the wild concepts - beauty, justice, masculinity, truth is thin. For Plato, with such eternal glimpses of speeches, boules ideas. As if the craftsman does not know the idea of ​​the table, he can work it out. Even though we can’t be aware of the idea of ​​beauty, we can’t call anyone else a garni.

    At the sight of Socrates, Plato gave ideas independent reasons. Ideas come to mind, buttya, and a sense of light around us - only a few ideas, their copies, reflections. Tobto, on yoga thought, you need to keep Rozmov about two suites- world of speeches and world of ideas. Vіn navіt having tried to identify the miraculous world of ideas and placing yoga in Hyperuranії (“above the heavens”). Even though the world of speeches is fluid and minuscule, then the beautiful world of ideas is eternal and immutable. To that, from the look of Plato, and Heraclitus with his eternal snake, and the eleats of the crossed-out change, malaria, the stench spoke less about the difference: Heraclitus described the world of speeches, and the characteristics of the eleats zastosovnі to the world of ideas. Viyshlo, that Plato in a new way virіshiv posed by Socrates the problem of the single and the single. sleepily as an idea, alone - as a speech.

    Myth about the oven

    There are many who are not suitable with Plato: no one has ever had any ideas, no evidence of their existence, and Plato's theory was not correct. Platon is allegorical to critics in his famous myth about the stove. Reveal your own underground cave, light falls like a beast. People live near the oven, tied to the walls so that they cannot turn around and sway those who know beyond the boundaries of the oven. The stench is less than tiny on the walls of the oven. There is a road out of the oven, where people pass, donkeys with luggage, horsemen pass, tickets are opened on Uzbeks, birds fly in the sky. In the presence of these objects, which are collapsing, shadows pass on the walls of the oven. The shards in the pit of the oven did not care for anything, crim their shadows, the stench indulges in the very right reality, give the shadows names and names, think that the shadow looks like a navantage donkey or a walker - and a donkey chi a pishohid. Deyakі from them to inspire to shy "forecasts" - guess how the shadow will appear on the wall of the oven, try to give them an explanation, be glorified among the sages of the oven hermits. So we, people, live in the world of speeches, we don’t know anything else. We chіpaєmo speech, koristuemosya them, pripuschennya about їhnі yakostі and dominion, but not zamylyuєmosya, scho behind them may be another reality.

    If we can tell you about it (like Plato rozpovіv in his vchenni about the world of ideas), then we, who are more for everything, cannot be believed, we know it like a fantasy that guess. So the inhabitants of the cave would be tested, the yakbes would call them out of the kaidans and they would bring a little sun on the yaskrav, - it would brightly cut their eyes, drowse, and cause suffering. Yakby, the extortionist, having tried to explain that in the colossal life the stinks blew only the primari, and at the same time in front of them the right light - burn, the sea, beautiful Greece with olive hai, more of them would be important to believe in. Their eyes were ill and weary, the stench could not see anything, the shadows on the walls of the oven, until such a stench resounded from the childishness, they sounded wiser and clearer: many who did not believe in everything and virishiv, and at the same time the stench is experiencing yakus mana. It took an hour, until the crack in their eyes subsided, the stench called out to marvel at the world directly and understand that the right donkey is not even similar to the donkey's shadow. These zvіlnenih v'yaznіv, as masculinity and patience would learn that the real world is not like that, like the stench of yogo earlier showed, zahopilsya b, zreshtoy, beauty flooded with the sun of Greece and the truth wanted to turn into the memory of . Ale іnshі, scho did not turn on the light, the brothers all the same did not believe the їkhnіm rozpoіdia about the whil on the sea, that green bow, about the blue sky, that bright sun. So do people: do not believe in those who have a lot of shadows (speech) - the true light of ideas, but if you tell them the truth once, - their mind is sleep, like the eyes of the baker's brothers.

    The underground cave at the myth of Plato is the visible light around us. People do not live in the right world, but in the world of primary illusions and worlds. And just like before, as the weather in the oven rang out to the darkness and shadows on the walls, so the people of this primary world are only able to do so. The task of the philosopher is to teach people to recognize their blindness and to awaken in them the bajanna to go to the world. That Plato did not like annoyance, that his theory was diverged from the greatest human manifestations.

    Myth about the stove idealism ta vіdpoviddu yogo critics. Plato two thousand years ago (!) formulating food about the spivvіdnennia buttya that mind, the spirit of that mother (we told you about it in the front split); reminiscent that some philosophers "all call from the sky and from the invisible regions to the earth ... strengthen, nibi іsnuє only those who can touch" (materials), otherwise, until such faults, without fear, having recognized yourself, vvazhayut that “the right buttya is like a sensible and unembodied idea” (idealities).


    If you want to go wild and go to the solitary one, but still, it’s still not clear. Rich is a copy of an idea, but a copy is from waters, we don’t know an exact copy. Words are heard, everything is early in the life of our world. Navit the best people (such as Socrates) die. For everything beautiful, there is negarne, for skin speech it is like a wadi. That is the visible light of speeches of incompleteness. Why are the incompetent ideas that are impromptu insinuated in speeches? That to that speech is material. Matter well Plato rozumiv yak inert cob, yak "extinguish" whether it was a splash on her. Apparently, if you try to instill an idea into matter, start building it up to a private creation of an idea.

    To explain, how to blame speeches, Plato introduced one more cob in his philosophical system - God-Demiurge. Demiurgos in Ancient Greece it meant a master, an artist, to talk about God the creator, who creates the cosmos. The Demiurge herself should bring roc to the world, to the “mish” of the idea and matter, so that the speeches were made. And if the Demiurge tries to create no less beautiful and thorough light, lower world of ideas, he won’t go to the end: the whole matter repair the opir yogo infusion, the ideas are created. So Plato explained the incompleteness of the world.

    Tsya model is on the other side. If a specific idea is more than just the idea of ​​“Kinskoy”, if the skin is rich in such an idea, then blame the food: what is the idea of ​​driving in, evil, inconsistency, vileness? Adzhe, unfortunately, these are the manifestations of the presence of our light. But if it is the idea of ​​all these negative phenomena, then the world of ideas cannot be called beautiful and perfect, it does not reduce the antrohi for that world that has come to us. In essence, why put food on your own and a skin-bearing person: if it’s an all-good and all-powerful God, then how can you allow war, epidemics, children’s tears in the world? On the basis of the difficulty, the food was given in different ways. Plato was the first, who admitted that the ideal light is thorough, and a copy of that ideal light is not such a gem in itself through its materiality. Henceforth, dissimilarity is a special day, less than a little beauty, which is blamed through the inertness of matter, and evil in a wild look is a marriage of good.

    Known as a guess

    Behind Plato, the head of the skin of us, pray for the right help, for the unreal - deisne, for the material (speech) - the ideal buttya (ideas). It is possible, because

    a person in full obligation to belong to the material world. The new one has a soul - daytime is eternal and ideal, tobto idea people. If the soul (like all ideas) is eternal, then, mindfully, it does not know the body at once with the death, the body is only a temporary receptacle for the soul. Plato (like Pіthagoras), buv prihilnik ideї transmigration of souls.

    The gods, having created souls, placed them on the stars, in the sky. There the souls themselves succumbed to the right world, the stench tried in the realm of ideas, the stench glimpsed the truth and now everything knew. Having drunk ale in the body, the soul forgets about its life in heaven. The task of learning is not to teach a person something anew, but to help guess those that his soul knew on the cob. Knowing is a guess.

    Why are some people who are good at learning, and others are not given science, not respecting all the efforts of that susilla of readers? To explain this fact, Plato will go back to poetic images. The soul of a person, Plato said, is made up of three parts: intelligent, wiseі bazhayuchoy. You can match with the chariot, with two winged daggers and with the wreath. Vіznik - tse rozum, one quivering horse - tse volova soul, and the other, more similar to a wagon carrier, - bazhayucha, or chutteva, soul. After the death of the body, the chariot (soul) flies into the open, and the viznik pragne to understand the beautiful world of ideas, to understand the cosmos. Ale, a thirsty part of the soul, rushes back, at the senses of the world, it pulls the chariot there, where the joyful joys have been deprived. That is why your souls, in some kind of life, appear to reach the mind, and the willful part of the soul is strong, lean on the world of ideas, look at yoga and can stay there for an hour. Other souls, in which the thirsty part is worried, do not want to fly high, they lean on the air, their wings break and fall at the body light. The axis of why souls, when resettled in the body, opine in nervous minds: some of them knew that they knew a lot, they knew what to guess, and others blew the ideal light only from the edge of their eyes ...

    Statement about the state

    Such a belief about the soul became the basis of the Platonic model of power. On the right, in the fact that Plato was seriously fed up with the food of a just, suspenseful order. Vіn navіt namagavsya vіliti deyakі zі і іdіdey іn practice: being in Іtalії, namagavsіv vplinut on the ruler of Sіrakuz Dionysіy with a method to change the empire of the Kerovan power. Nothing happened with Plato: the tyrant in anger punished the sale of yoga on the non-Vilnitsky market, and likewise friends did not buy the philosopher, spent a moment of life in slavery, later Plato, having made one more try to put his theory into practice in life. After the death of the tyrant vin, having gone to the yogo son, he also did not reach anything. Prote Plato, having abandoned the kіlka of creations on his own, de clave his vchennya about the ideal state.

    The ideal power of Plato is small to serve the ideas of peace and justice. Vіdpovіdno up to three main yoga functions (management, defense and the generation of material goods) The population was divided into three camps: the ruling sages-philosophers, warriors (vartov) and craftsmen and villagers. A just sovereign order can ensure their harmony. How can I signify, how can I recognize a specific person? According to Plato, tse lie down in the mind of the yogi soul tієї chi іnshої cob. As if the rational part of the soul is overwhelmed, the person is a philosopher, as if the Volova is a warrior, and as the bazhayuchy, then he is an earth worker or a craftsman. Come out, what leather takes care of it on the right, like the appointments of nature, it is not the fault of the dissatisfied in such a state.

    Obviously, the Platonic state did not have jealousy. And not only to the fact that in the new, even on a small scale, slavery was saved (most of the ancient thinkers took slavery as if it were natural and eternal). There was no equanimity between philosophers, watchmen and artisans. And yet, according to Plato's thought, it was fair, because it lay not in good fortune and not in the sight of rulers, but in the spirit of people's souls. Plato was of the upheaval, that jealousy itself is unfair, that which is not safe for the gracefulness and vigor of people, the eminence between them.

    Plato, having created one more myth, zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdnі zvіdnі svіdnі people's souls the gods domіshal in the souls of some gold, іnshih - srіblo, trіh - mid and zalіzo. People whose souls have gold, a strong mind, philosophers come out of them; those who have more silver are strong-willed and addicted, warriors-warts come out of them; people are from the middle and the flooded soul

    to walk your happiness in a sensitive world, in the joys of a material basis and become good laborers and villagers. The brightness of the soul is not transmitted from downfalls. People with a mednoy soul can give birth to children with silver and gold, and on the other hand. To the heads of the state, to signify the re-importance of those other parts of the soul of a child, to give it a resurrection.

    Live differently. Philosophers and Warts have no sim's, no private authority. The manifestation of private authority, according to Plato, is not safe: it will lead to chvar, giving rise to a special benefit to the interests of the state, raising the unity of the state. To this, two things become not guilty of anything, the stink to serve the household, not taking away the vineyard. Ale to people with a golden and silver soul and no need for pennies - the best city for them is spiritually perfect, the spirit of the svіvgromadyan, the ability to show themselves. The remіsnikіv and the villagers have private authority and they can save their lives: they have a lustful part of the soul, and to spare their liberty with primary objects means to make them unhappy.

    Guards and philosophers take away the garne of vihovannia. To develop them bodily for the help of gymnastic rights, and spiritually - by the path of learning to the sciences and mysticism. Tsikavo, that Plato propoved equivalence between men and women, respecting that a woman can become a warrior, and a philosopher. Z-bearing watchmen, people are seen who seem to be innately smart to the point of knowledge, - philosophers. These golden souls show themselves in the process of learning, as the best of those days. From them, the rulers of the state are recruited. Plato is thinking about those who can only be happy with that state, the rulers of which are philosophers, that people who love the truth, and not their own benefit.

    The ideas of Plato were thrown into the further development of culture. The basis of Plato's philosophy was the understanding of two worlds, two worlds: the light of the spiritual, invisible and the light of the visible, material. As a matter of fact, in the history of the thought, Plato was the first in Zahodі, who spoke about the invisible basis of the visible butt. The eminent Russian philosopher Volodymyr Sergiyovich Solovyov (also, before the speech, scho was born in the plethora of Platonic philosophy, although he is still alive in the other half of the 19th century), having hung his Platonic thought in such perfect rows:

    Love friend, chi ti do not bachish,

    What we all see -

    Tіlki vіdblisk, tіlki tіnі

    View of the invisible eye?

    The position of the fact that the visible physical world is only a little later, manifesting a different, spiritual essence, was developed by philosophers after Plato, although in a different way. Often it seems that the history of a zahodnoy philosophy is a reminder to Plato. The philosophical system of Plato became the first complete system objective idealism history of human thought.

    Plato (428/7 p. e. - 347 p. e.)

    Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher, a classic of the philosophical tradition. The doctrine of Plato permeates both the philosophy of the world and the culture of the world.

    One of the main themes of Plato's doctrine is a just (ideal) power. Vaughn recognized the change at the moment of the unfair trial of Socrates in Athens and until the end of Plato's life. The theory of an ideal state is most recently presented by Plato in the "State" and called "Laws".

    Perekonaniya at the one who can live a day less with a perfect state, Plato creates in the Athenian school for his students minds of an ideal state.

    “Justice so itself takes power, like a human soul, so it’s impossible for him to save the right sovereignty, it’s necessary to induce yoga in yourself” (Plato)


    Plato was born in Athens in 428-427. BC Yogo spravzhnі іm'ya - Aristokl, Plato - a pseudonym that means "broad-shouldered", which gave Yomu in youth for Yogo Mіtsne, adding the teacher of wrestling Ariston from Argos. Vіn buv son of Ariston, the cape of King Kodra, that Perіktioni, as she led her own line of sight of the great legislator Solon. Gramoti vіn learned from Dionysius, about what he knows from his "Superniki". It seems that he was engaged in wrestling, painting, as well as putting up praises, songs and tragedies. For a long time, schilicity to poetry appeared in the artistic adaptations of the forms of yoga dialogues. Being gifted rozumovo and physically, vin otrimav vіdmіnnu osvіtu, nasledom yakoy was yogo knowledge of the philosophical theories of that hour. Aristotle recounts that Plato learned Cratil, successor of Heraclitus, from the beginning.

    At 20 rokіv Plato zustrіv Socrates and having left him until the death of his teacher - a total of 8 rokіv. Zgіdno with an atic legend, in front of the day with Plato, Socrates sighed and dreamed of a swan on his chest, which was high flying from a twinkle, and after knowing Plato, Socrates bellowed: “From my swan!”. Tsikavo, that in the mythology of antiquity, the swan is the bird of Apollo, and the contemporaries quarreled Plato with Apollo as the god of harmony.

    As Plato himself guesses at the Sommu leaf, when he was young, he was preparing to take an active part in the political life of his place. The unfair condemnation of Socrates echoed in Plato's disenchantment with the politics of Athens and became a turning point in life.

    At the 28th anniversary, after the death of Socrates, Plato, together with the other teachings of the great philosopher, left Athena and moved to Megari, where one of the teachings of Socrates, Euclid, is alive. At 40 roki vіn having seen Italy, de got to know the Pythagorean Archit. Earlier, having visited Egypt and Kyrenia, but about qi more expensive wines are locked in my autobiography.

    You will get to know Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, and live your life with your ideal of a ruler-philosopher. Prote duzhe soon blamed the hostility of the stosunki with the tyrant Dionysius the Elder, then friendship with Dion, the nephew of the tyrant, began. From Diona, Plato was able to know the guide of the scholar and from the future - the philosopher on the throne. Plato, having depicted the ruler with his mirkuvanni about tyrannical power, saying that not all of them are better, that the tyrant is more reproachful than that, as if he is not reproached with honesty. For this reason, Plato sold slavery to Egina, for which he purchased that svilniv Annikerides, a philosopher of the Megarian school.

    In the future, Plato wants to turn Anikeris' pennies, and if she is inspired, take them, having bought a garden from the frontier of Athens, names in honor of the mystical hero of the Academy of the Academy. Near the garden Plato at 387 r. BC having fallen asleep her school, the famous Platonist Academy, founded 1000 years in Athens, right up to 529 years, the docks were closed by Emperor Justinian.

    Another two girls traveled to Syracuse on the real strength of Dion, building up their vision of an ideal state on the lands, which Dionysius the Younger saw to him. If you want to taste the ice, you didn’t mess with Plato’s life, and his arrogance is the butt of high service to the ideal.

    At 360 roci, Plato turned to Athens and did not part from the Academy until his death, which came at 347 r. BC


    Pratsі Plato mould the form of dialogues of chi lists. Myth occupies a great place in yoga dialogues, otherwise mythical explanation. Mythology has always had little symbolic sense and victoriously played philosophical concepts.

    The works of Plato were ordered by the grammarian Trasil; they can be grouped in nine tetralogies.
    1. Euthyphron, Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phaedo.
    2. Kratil, Teetet, Sophist, Politician.
    3. Parmenid, Phileb, Pir, Fedir
    4. Alcibiades I, Alcibiades II, Hipparchus, Superniki
    5. Feag, Kharmid, Lachet, Lysid.
    6. Euthidem, Protagoras, Gorgias, Menon.
    7. Gippy the Lesser, Gippy the Great, Ion, Miniksen.
    8. Klіtofont, Power, Timaeus, Critiy.
    9. Minos, Law, Epіnomid, Leaves.

    Philosophy of Plato

    About philosophy

    Philosophy for Plato is a process of learning, and the exaltation of the soul to the supernatural world of ideas, and this is closely related to Love. According to Plato's thought, the Gods do not concern themselves with philosophy, but those who are totally unilluminated and self-consciously respect that they know everything. First, on the other hand, philosophy is occupied only by the one who needs to know the wisdom of the knowledge of the fools. Tsya strain, born of a short knowledge and majestic bazhanny yoga, Plato vyznaє like Eros, Lyubov, pragnennya Beauty, scho rose to mind like harmony and harmony.

    Plato's words about ideas

    Ideas about ideas are the central element of Plato's philosophy. Vіn interpreting ideas as divine essence. The stench is eternal, postyni, like to lie in the minds of the vastness of that hour. The stench has tainted all cosmic life: the stench governs the All-World. Tse archetypes, eternal sights, as if from formless and fluid matter, impersonal real speeches are organized. Ideas to wash one’s heart in a special world, and speeches are only left, shards of stench reflect that other idea, shards of that other idea are present in them. Hundreds of sensible speeches, ideas - at once and їх reasons, and a method, which is to practice the origins of a sensible world. With all the ideas, it is clear that coordination and subordering is evident. The great idea is the idea of ​​the absolute Good, the core of truth, beauty and harmony.

    Theory of knowledge

    The theory of knowledge of Plato will be like a theory, guess what, a key cob in his speech is the mind of a rational part of the soul. According to Plato, the soul is immortal, moreover, before the birth of the people, they stay with the worldly world, dey will keep the sparkling world of eternal ideas. Therefore, in the earthly life of the soul of a person, it is possible to touch the ideas like a guess about a woman earlier.

    “I once a mustache in nature is one to one dispute, and the soul knows everything, it does not respect anyone who guessed one thing - people call it knowing - to know it yourself and everything else, even if only you will be masculine and incomprehensible in jokes: even shukati and know - tse akraz i means to slander" (Menon).

    A person will take away the right knowledge, if the soul guesses what they know. Knowing, as a guess, what was before the people of the people, Plato has one of the proofs of the immortality of the soul.

    About the soul

    Accepting the idea of ​​the immortality of the soul and understanding that in such a time death takes everything in people, cream of the soul, Plato leads us to think that the main turbota of a person in life can be a turbota about the soul. Tsya turbota means the purification of the soul, the awakening of the sensible at the pragmatic until the end of the spiritual - intelligible world.

    Explaining the nature of the soul, those that the soul is contagious and that it was before its convergence at the world of feelings, Plato symbolically marks it with the sea deity Glaucus, to the body of which, for a long time, perebuvannya in the sea depths was attached to a lot of wood. Vіn is all covered with turtles, algae and squeak, and the body of the yogo is evil and perpetually wrinkled ... The soul is resting in a similar camp, and it is guilty of being afraid of itself all the love - everything that, rolyachi її important and formless, do not allow you to know yourself. She will require purification from the earth, for which she grew up with a bagatioh transfer.

    The sound of the soul is given by one thing, but in truth there are three people, the left and the chimeras, as if they grew up one by one. The skin of the three parts of the soul is powerful in its own honesty: to the wise cob - wisdom, to the fierce cob - goodness, and to the poor cob - darkness.

    The purification of the soul in Plato is associated with corporal and rozum discipline, as if internally transforming a person, likening him to a deity.

    Reasonableness, justice, masculinity and wisdom are the means of such purification (Phaedo).

    Usі tsі perevagi є metoyu philosophical joke.

    Ideal power of Plato

    The theory of an ideal state is most notably presented by Plato in the “Power” and debunked by the “Laws”. The right political mysticism is the mysticism of the mind and the spirit of the soul, to which Plato hangs the thesis about finding true philosophy with true politics. As soon as a politician becomes a philosopher (and navpaki), one can inspire a rightful power, founded on the greatest value of Truth and Good. Poduduvat Misto-Derzhava means to know until the end of the people that її mіsce in the universe.

    Power, according to Plato, like a soul, maє tripartite structure. Depending on the main functions (management, defense and the production of material goods), the population is divided into three camps: earthworkers, artisans, guards and rulers (sages-philosophers). A just sovereign order can ensure their harmony. The first camp was made for the people, in whom I revere worship. If in them the honesty of fading, a kind of love to the order of discipline, then these are the best people. Another camp has been made for people, in some of them they carry the oxen, the borg of the guard - pilnist like to the inner, and to the outer nebezpeka. Zgіdno with Plato, the power of calling out only the aristocrats as the best and wisest of the masses. And more importantly, as they can recognize and look at the Good, that they carry the rational cob in them and they can rightfully be called wise men. From the same, the power has finished - this is such a power, in the first camp it prevails fading, in the other - masculinity is strength, in the third - wisdom.

    The concept of justice is for those who need to be robbed; the masses hang around the Mist and the soul in the soul. Justice in the world is seen only once, if it is not in the soul. Therefore, in a thorough Mіsti may buti, we will thoroughly enlighten that vihovennia, moreover, for the skin I will not have my own peculiarities. Of great importance is Plato's desire to see the Vartos as an active part of the population, from which the rulers come. Vihovannya, old rulers, it is not enough to train practical learners in the development of philosophy. Meta enlightenment - through the knowledge of the Good, give a sign, as the ruler may be like in his pragmatic practice, instill the Good in his state.

    At the end of the IX book of "Powers" it is said that "it's not so important, as you can, as you can be" in an ideal state, enough already, if only one lives behind the laws of this Mist, that is behind the law of Goodness, Goodness and Justice. Aje persh, lower blame for the truth, so in history, Platonist Place to be born in the middle of the people.

    “... you are talking about the state, which we have carefully analyzed, then about those who are only known in the closet of the mirror, more on the earth, I think, you can’t find it anywhere.
    - Ale, it is possible, there is a slit in the sky, accessible to the skin bazhayuchy; marveling at her, a person will figure out how to control himself. And what is such a power on earth and what will be out there - it’s not important for us. Whose person would be busy with the rights of such - and only such - powers "