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When John Kennedy died. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Kennedy - 35th US President (1961-1963)

Career Kennedy as a policy began in 1946, when he conducted an energetic campaign and became a member of the Chamber of Representatives of Congress from the Democratic Party. Being three times in the House of Representatives (1947-53), Kennedy consisted of a member of the Trud Committees and Education.

In November 1952, he successfully ran into the Senate. As a senator (1953-61), Kennedy was gradually inclined (although it was accused of maccarthism to liberal positions, especially on the issue of civil rights and freedoms. He was a member of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, and from the 1957 influential Foreign Affairs Committee.

In 1961, Kennedy becomes the 35 US president from the Democratic Party. In 1947-61 in the US Congress, being president, put forward a program of socio-economic reforms. He advocated the strengthening of military units and the US Armed Forces. At the same time, leaning towards a more realistic rate in relations with the USSR. He was the most young American president, as well as the only one for the entire history of the US President Catholic. Kennedy managed to overcome the inertia of the "Cold War" policy and, showing state wisdom, achieved mitigating international tensions.

An important step in this direction was the signing (August 1963) of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom and the USSR of the Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water (Moscow Treaty), which marked the beginning of the process of containing the rice of nuclear weapons. The presidency of the victory of Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election was in many ways a lot of powerful financial support for his family, although the image of the young, energetic policy of the new generation was played by the latest role, which told Americans about the intention to bring the United States to "new frontiers".

The election internal political program of Kennedy was scheduled for a number of socio-economic reforms to reduce taxation, the legislation on the civil rights of the non-ferrous population, the medical insurance of the elderly, an increase in the minimum of wages, etc., which, however, managed to implement only L. Johnson administration. The novelty of diplomacy of "new frontiers" was to update and expand the range of both peaceful and military methods for protecting the interests of the United States in the global confrontation with the USSR. Special attention was paid to the countries of the Third World. In March 1961, the "Corps of the World" was created for the work of American volunteers in developing countries. After the survey prepared by the CIA of the invasion of the Antikastrovsky forces in Cuba in Bay, Kochinoshin (April 1961), a program of socio-economic development of Latin American countries "Union for Progress" was created.

The military aspect of the policy of new frontiers was the "flexible response" doctrine, which provided for the leading of the total nuclear war, the local and anti-Partisan wars with the use of nuclear and conventional weapons.

In foreign policy, Kennedy collided with large tests: (August 1961) and contributed to the manifestation of his best qualities: responsibility and realism. From Spring 1963, the president became increasingly expressed in favor of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union. At the same time, the signing of a Moscow contract, supplemented by the agreement on refusal to the orbit of land of nuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction (October 1963), caused discontent and criticism of Kennedy with supporters of the Cold War.

John Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. After his death, Vice President L. Johnson became President of the United States. John Kennedy is buried at the Arlington National Cemetery in Washington.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th US president. In the history of the country is a remarkable person. Kumir Millions, a handsome man was killed mysteriously, having been in his post for less than three years. However, during this period, he managed to do a lot - with it there occurred the Caribbean crisis, the space program Apollo was launched, a shift of public consciousness was shifted on the topic of improving the rights of blacks.

Today, Kennedy is the most popular President of America for Russians. However, do not forget that the person in such a post can not consist of quite a positive feature. Weighing part of its merits is the work of the hands of PR services. Today, archives of those times that allow you to debunk some myths about John Kennedy are becoming available.

John Kennedy enjoyed the wonderful popularity of Americans. Today, after more than half a century, the love of Americans to her president seems limitless. In fact, by the time of the death of Kennedy supported only 58 percent of voters. Even Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan Rating at the time of departure from the post was higher. However, it is worth saying that all the same Kennedy was more popular than all rulers of the country since 1937, when such polls began. On average, seven out of ten Americans noted that they were satisfied with the work of their president.

During the Cold War, Kennedy showed himself a peace-loving politician. Negative features of this president are associated with his love adventures. But in politics, he is considered a model of peacefulness and the main opponent of supporters of war. It is said that it was Kennedy who was able to resolve the Caribbean crisis, redirect resources from the army to space, creating the world's corps. Fans policies believe that America would not be involved in the War in Vietnam. After all, a few days after the murder of Kennedy Lyndon Johnson signed the NSAM 273 document, which marked the beginning of the invasion of the distant Asian country. Yes, and the Minister of Defense Robert McNamar stated that Kennedy could smooth the conflict, and not allow him with the help of weapons, as his follower did. In fact, all this is a beautiful myth. Kennedy himself, together with its administration, constantly intrigued against the governments of other countries. In particular, the Cuban project, which turned into a Caribbean crisis, initially envisaged the killing of Castro. The CIA made a number of attempts in the Cuban leader, naturally, from the knowledge of the head of the country. Regarding Vietnam Kennedy spoke in his interview in September 1963. The President stated that the removal of troops from Vietnam would be a mistake. After all, then the communists will immediately come to the country, who would be guided by Burma and India. The next 10 years, American politicians referred to this phrase. And Kennedy did not just support the war in Vietnam, he was essentially prepared. It was the American authorities who sanctioned overthrowing, as well as the murder of President NGO Din Ziema. So, not such Kennedy was a glorious peace-loving guy.

In the Kennedy family, everyone was successful politicians. It is believed that the sons of Kennedy for great politics prepared his father. He himself actively supported Roosevelt, entering his closest environment. But the seeming successful political career went "Under Sunshi" because of the beliefs. Joseph considered it necessary to adhere to American isolationism during the Second World War. But the hopes and ambitions of the father supported his sons John, Robert and Edward, who fought for the presidential post. During the struggle for the post of John, the whole family worked for a victory by investing in this project huge funds. Even the mother policy, Rose, became a party to the TV shows "on a cup of coffee from Kennedy," answering the questions of television viewers. So the victory of John in the elections meant the success of the whole family. Robert Kennedy visited the Prosecutor General in the brother administration, and then by the senator. In 1968, he ran for the presidency, but was killed five months before the elections. The younger brother, Edward Kennedy, became senator from Massachusetts, having spent this post from 1962 to 2009.

Kennedy's family was happy. On the one hand, the men have achieved a considerable, but on the other hand, too many tragedies had to survive Kennedy. They even spoke about the curse of the family. It is difficult to approve more than such intangible things. Researchers discovered data on the murder of Kennedy in Nostradamus predictions. Not only was John, and Robert suffered such a fate just after 5 years. And the elder brother, Joseph, died in 1944, being a pilot. His plane starred by explosives did not reach the goal, exploding in the sky. Thus, out of four brothers a full life managed to live only one. And Kennedy's sisters had to be shattered. Kathleen died in a car accident at the age of 28, and Rosemary, being from childhood mentally retarded, during an unsuccessful operation in essence ceased to be a person. She spent the rest of his life in the monastery. Such a series of tragedies within the same family really makes thinking about the curse. And the subsequent generations of Kennedy pursued rock - death from overdoses, accidents, accusations of rape.

Kennedy was happy in marriage. In May 1952, John met 23-year-old Jacqueline Buvier. After a year, the engagement took place, and on September 12 and the wedding. At the time of John's joining the position of President Jacqueline became the youngest of the United States in history, she was only 31 years old. The spouse was able to become a fabulous princess for the White House. She created a new image of the first lady of the country. Jacqueline communicated with the press, influenced. And although the spouse constantly surrounded the scandals, as in politics, public life, she constantly supported John. America could not adversely for this chet. In addition, two children from four died, which caused the sympathy of the whole nation. Tears in the eyes of the first lady did not leave anyone indifferent. As soon as John's ratings turned out to be threatened, the piring was immediately displayed on Jacqueline, who returned folk love. That's just a family life was dyed by constant treason of John, that there was no secret in general. After the death of her husband, Jacqueline in 1968 married the Greek millionaire Aristotle of Oressis, which caused a resentment and misunderstanding among the Americans. After all, the first lady continued to live, and not grieve. And only after her death from cancer in 1994, the Americans forgave their Jackie Kennedy.

Kennedy was a successful politician. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe presidency of Kennedy is embodied in his legendary phrase: "Do not ask what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." The media created the image of a charismatic president, a talented, hard and energetic, defending the interests of the country. In addition, Kennedy was an excellent speaker, conquering his listeners at press conferences. It was perfectly able to explain his failures in foreign and domestic politics, imposing everything on his predecessors. But in the eyes of millions, the fellow citizens of Kennedy remained a certain knight, bravely struggled for America. Already later it became clear that the reform of the health care was held by Lindon Johnson, and the Civil Rights of Blacks finally provided it.

Kennedy was killed in the heyday. In November 2002, medical reports on the health status of the 35th president of the country were disclosed and published. It turned out that John Kennedy was not at all such a healthy as he seemed. He had a number of serious illnesses. Kennedy suffered from pain in the damaged spine that no healing procedures were able to fix. The president also had problems with digestion and suffered from Addison's disease (adrenal problems). It is known that Kennedy often made pricks of painkillers to look energetic and healthy.

John Kennedy became president of a new type. Kennedy became largely "first" for this post. This is the first chapter of the country born in the 20th century, the first president Catholic and the youngest. At the time of joining the position of John Kennedy was only 43 years old. I must say that the president really distinguished from his predecessors. Eisenhuer generally said rightly that this is no longer a politician, but playboy, as if from Hollywood. But it was such a man who was required to America in the 1960s. She was tired of the powerful fathers presidents, she needed freshness, youth, President-lover. In this regard, Kennedy turned out to be an excellent candidate. He smiled with the covers of magazines and television screens, ordinary Americans believed his charm, not particularly listening to election speeches. Kennedy just looked more spectacular to their rivals. Yes, and in confrontation with the USSR, the young president successfully opposed Nikita Khrushchev. An American Kennedy seemed like a simple guy. The environmental environment was also young, the middle age of the team was only 45 years old.

John Kennedy always dreamed of being president. If Joseph, the first heir appears on the world, his grandfather stated that parents will try to make it president of the United States. But the war intervened in the calculation. The father of the family of Joseph Sr. to the latter stood for America's non-interference, which turned out to be a mistake. The political short-sightedness cost a career, for the mistakes of the father had to pay to the eldest son. He fought, but died when performing a dangerous task. But just Joseph and had to bring a family clan to the White House. Unexpectedly a new hope for his father was John. This witty handsome intellectual and did not think about the career of the policy, planning to devote himself to journalism. John admitted to her friends that now the father decided to make a bet on him and nothing remains how to obey. Even the wedding on Jacqueline Buvier, held in 1953, was a good step for a career. Educated, intelligent and beautiful spouse was an excellent candidate for the first lady. It is said that the useful marriage blessed by Joseph Sr..

Kennedy's victory was mined on tellets with Nixon. A series of four televisers became innovation for the presidential race in 1960. It immediately became obvious how the Senator Kennedy is its appearance and energy exceeds its competitor. However, after the first speech on September 26, Nixon made conclusions from his mistakes and intensified. He did a special emphasis on foreign policy, which was stronger. The few polls, which were then conducted, show that those small dividends that Kennedy received after the first speech, the election day disappeared. In addition, the popular President Eisenhower maintained Nixon until the end of the race. Voting has shown that Kennedy received 49.72 percent of the votes against 49.55 percent of his competitor. The difference was meager, just 119 thousand votes. So the debate was an unforgettable precedent, but they did not affect the balance of strength.

Kennedy was a liberal president. This is a rather popular myth, because Kennedy is associated with the movement for civil rights, and his political heirs called much more liberal brothers Robert and Edward. In fact, the president led cautious and conservative policies, planning to be re-elected in 1964. Kennedy behaved likewise in the economy, limiting expenses and deficit. And after the Caribbean crisis, Kennedy expressed so unequivocally against communism that even Reagan and other Republicans quoted him. In their views on civil rights, the President was timid and inseparal, starting disappointing leaders of the movement. And only in 1963 Kennedy openly opposed the discrimination against black and equal rights. His indecision led to the fact that Blacks were elected provocative tactics and began to act more radically.

Thanks to Kennedy, the Americans landed on the moon. In May 1961 it became clear that America loses the cosmic race. The president himself made itself a number of frankly inappropriate statements. However, the administration immediately actively began to consider alternative ways to develop the program. First it was decided to send astronauts to Mars, but it turned out very impractical. Then NASA turned his eyes to the moon, but in September 1963 Kennedy was still interested in what it would give the country. The President even turned to Khrushchev with a proposal to stop the space race and establish a Soviet-American partnership for a joint flight of a person to the moon. The Secretary-General replied affirmatively, as Kennedy informed in his speech in the UN in the fall of 1963. However, plans were torn by the new administration. Thus, it is obvious that Kennedy represented otherwise the development of the space program, rather than this happened.

After the murder of Kennedy, his business continued Lindon Johnson. Johnson has enjoyed a good reputation as his predecessor. His name of the 36th president mentioned in public speeches more than 500 times, more than anyone else. However, it is not necessary to think that Johnson was a less charismatic clone Kennedy. For example, the presidents have different approaches in the fight against poverty. Before a trip to Dallas, Kennedy considered his assistant Heller's program, but agreed to try it only in several cities. He did not want to arrange budget overrun. The day after the murder of Kennedy, Heller met with Johnson. I really liked the "folk" program. Johnson ordered to give the project the highest priority and run it in full swing. Another example is the war in Vietnam. It is not known, Would lead Kennedy for troops from there, but he would obviously not drove the half-million army to Asia, as Johnson did.

After half a century after the murder, Kennedy is known to all about this. In fact, even after half a century, a complete picture of what happened is unknown. Many government documents remain closed. Authoritative faces were calculated that there are 1171 the unnecessary CIA Document concerning November 22, 1963. And this is only the visible part of Iceberg. It is impossible to close the history, without considering these documents. In 1992, President George Bush Senior signed a decree, according to which all secret documents should be published on October 26, 2017. However, it is worth waiting that the following rulers will be subjected to pressure from the CIA to keep the mystery. In addition, new technologies appear that can give a fresh look at those events. Thus, the analysis of Dallas police audio recordings allowed us to prove that he fired two people.

Kennedy's killer was ... Hundreds of articles, books, a lot of films were written on this topic. On September 24, 1964, the Commission under the leadership of the Chairman of the US Supreme Court Earla Warren presented the report by the White House. According to him, the only performer was Harvey Oswald, who had no accomplices. In 1966, his investigation began the district prosecutor of New Orleans Jim Harrison. He believed that the murders organized ultra-right activists associated with the CIA and Cuban emigrants. A former pilot David Ferry and a banker show was suspected. The first to court did not live, and the second accused jury was recognized as innocent. In 1975, the Rockefeller Commission considered the abuse of the CIA, including the murder of Kennedy. There was no evidence of the involvement of special services. There is a lot of alternative versions of Kennedy's murder. Customers call the government, bankers, the Soviet Union, Mafia, Cubans, and even aliens. However, truth, it seems, no one ever learns.

Kennedy appears with a model of modern democrat. For Kennedy, communism was not just an alien ideology, he was outraged by worm. In his speeches, the president quite a lot paid attention to religion that in modern America except that the most conservative Republicans are inherent. In his speech in 1955, Kennedy said that religion is not just a weapon, it is the essence of the struggle. Faith in God elevates man and makes it responsible. Modern democrats have several other approaches.

Kennedy was a pioneer in the implementation of civil rights. This is one of the main myths about Kennedy. It is no coincidence that Martin Luther King described the president and his brother Robert as cautious and defensive politicians. Kennedy did not allow to spend in 1963 march to Washington. The president to the latter held back by the abolition of segregation, fearing to lose support for southern Democrats in future elections. Yes, and the Law on Civil Rights, who has canceled segregation, adopted Lindon Johnson in 1964.

Kennedy had a lot of mistress. But this is true. Today there are a lot of memories of a rich sex life policy. Actresses, models, secretaries tell how the novels turned from Kennedy and before his wedding, and after. Intimate letters are even exhibited at auctions. And the most famous lovers of the President, Marilyn Monroe, quite likely lost even his life because of love for John. It is said that she was going to reveal the public to the secret of his novel with a politician. The special services, fearing the scandal, quietly removed the unnecessary witness. It is no coincidence that the actress's room was stupid by listening devices. For the public, John was an exemplary family man, appearing with Jacqueline. For the sake of his husband's husband, a spouse supported the illusion of a happy loving family.

On May 29, 1917, the 35th US President was born John Kennedy. His life was the dream of many Americans: good education, excellent education, beauty wife and dizzying career. Did anyone have anyone to allow the idea that everything will break in one second.

A family

John, or, as his affectionately called in the family, Jack, was the second of nine children in the family Roses Elizabeth Fitzgeraldand Joseph Patrick Kennedy. The father of the future of America's President skilled money and establish connections, which helped him create a good condition. Family life of the parents was not smooth. Rose frankly scared the excessive passion of Joseph Career. The mother of the future president wanted stability for her children, especially with regard to the fact that they did not differ in good health. Senior daughter Kennedy Rosemary Standing on mental development from their peers, and John was a painful boy. Later, when he becomes president, doctors will even have to run painkillers to public speeches, so that Kennedy Jr. looks healthy. To distract from family problems, Rosa Fitzgerald traveled a lot in Europe and the United States, which is why the children who miss their mother suffered greatly. Her husband, meanwhile, continued to expand the empire, in parallel changing his wife. The star of a silent movie became the most famous mistress Gloria Svenson.

Kennedy Spouses in the New York Restaurant, November 1940. Photo:

However, few people knew about the internal turmoils of Kennedy, on the outside they seemed idyllically happy family batheed in luxury. At the peak of his career Kennedy-Sr. was friendly with many influential people of that time and was a personal adviser to the US President Franklin Roosevelt.Of course, Joseph dreamed of such success and for his son, but then it was not about John. All hopes in the Kennedy family were associated with the eldest son. Joseph.


From the very birth of Kennedy Jr. did not differ strong health. He sick a lot, lay in hospitals more often than visited school. Sometimes translated to home learning. At school, the boy was not the most diligent student, but one of the most active. Despite its weak health, John was engaged in baseball, basketball and athletics. In orphanage, the future president always lived in the shadow of his older brother, who could boast of success not only in sports, but also in study. Perhaps this was the reason that John Ros Bunlet - in school he joined the club of Makres, whose members were constantly organized by a different kind of poles.

Lieutenant John F. Kennedy in the Paradinary Closure, 1942 Photo:

Despite leprosy, his school was loved. As then recalled the director of the school chow, where John Kennedy studied, the boy was incredibly charming and witty: "Jack didn't like to be serious. He always had a delightful sense of humor ... He was very located to himself, inspired a big sympathy. "

Having received secondary education, the young man decided to continue study at Harvard. His plans broke the next disease - jaundice. John returned home and entered Princeton, studied there did not inspire him there, and in August 1936 Kennedy Jr. returned to Harvard, where she tried not to miss lectures. As his father wrote, the problem of the future of the president was not in the absence of talent: "Jack brilliantly assumes things that interest him, but he does not have enough perpetuity and adjacent to explore what he is not interested."

In one of the summer holidays, Kennedy Jr. went on a journey through European countries and was very impressed with seeing fascist Germany and Italy. After the trip, a young man seriously fucked by history and politics, his diploma work was called the "Decitation Policy in Munich". The work was not impressed by Harvard professors: "poorly written, but conscientious, interesting and reasonable analysis of a complex problem." However, the efforts and the relevance of Kennedy got "excellent." But the topic was relevant, and the father of the future president had great connections. His work was later released by a separate book and got the name "why England slept". To rewrite a diploma in the book of Kennedy-youngee, a famous Observer "New York Times" helped Arthur Krok.. The degree of its intervention is unknown, but the book was well sold. It is possible that this was facilitated by the preface of the publisher of magazines Time, Fortune and Life Henry Lusa: "I can't remember a single person in my college that could, being a fourth year student, write such an adult book for such a vital topic."


Kennedy aboard PT-109, 1943. Photo:

After graduating Harvard, John thought about the future. America was officially involved in the Second World War, and he understood that he had to go to serve. Of course, weak health did not give any chances to pass a medical examination and be enrolled in the troops. But in this question, he was helped by the connection of the Father. At first, Kennedy was in the Washington Democipation of the US Navy, then on military shipyard in Charleston, South Carolina. He studied at the Naval School and in the spring of 1943 he accepted the command over the PT-109 torpedo boat. With the help of the father of John sent to the Pacific Ocean, where at this time active fighting with Japan came. On August 2, 1943, during one of the night raids, the Egg, the enemy rammed a torpedo boat in half. From the blow, John fell on the deck and badly damaged the back already injured before that. Despite this, he clearly gave orders and was able to get to the coast together with most of his team, and one of the wounded soldiers of Kennedy Jr. dragged on himself. For the courage, manifested by that night, John was subsequently awarded a variety of orders and medals.

However, in December of the same year he fell ill with malaria, and he was sent home. In 1945, a few months before the end of the war, he was officially sent to the reserve.

Political career

After graduating military service, Kennedy began to work as a journalist. In August 1944, his brother Joseph, who was referred to a political career. His place in the eyes of Kennedy-senior was taken by John, who his father, with his own connections, helped build a political career.

At the age of 29, the young man becomes a congressman from the Democratic Party. After that, he exposes his candidacy in the election in the Senate. It is at this time in his life appears Jacqueline.


Jacqueline Kennedy on the Hammersmith farm in Newport, Rhode Island, on the day of his wedding, September 12, 1953. Photo:

Future spouses got acquainted in the spring of 1952: 35-year-old politician and 22-year-old journalist of the newspaper. Strong, beautiful and very promising John easily conquered Jacqueline. However, these relationships were not romantic, the proposal to the future president did at all by telegraph. Coming out married, the girl immediately understood that he would never take first place in his husband's life, he was completely absorbed by his career. In addition, John was a fall on female beauty and since the times of school was not used to limit himself in sexual contacts. The future president, not embarrassed, revolved the novels to the right and left. In most cases, Jacqueline did not pay attention to her husband's intrigues. The only woman who forced her to be afraid for her marriage was chic Marilyn Monroewhich, according to historians, did not hesitate to call the legitimate wife and demand that she collect her things and left the White House.

However, John Kennedy himself never, apparently, was not going to divorce from Jacqueline. Monroe was constant, but still a mistress. The official spouse was an excellent screen for him, which for a long time helped "cover the vices" before the electorate. And yet, despite numerous novels, this couple personified the real fairy tale and was a long time ago for many Americans. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier coped very well with the role of the first lady.

John Kennedy with his family. August 14, 1963. Photo:

Mr President

Kennedy's presidential chair took 43 years old, ahead of his rival Richard Nixon Just 1%. He became the youn most young US president ( Theodore Rooseveltwho took this position in 42 years, was not elected, but took the post after the murder William McKornley), as well as the first Catholic in the White House. Kennedy brought the same young team with him, as he himself, the average age of the colleagues was 45 years old. In addition, he significantly changed the ratio of economists and academics in the administration. If earlier, 42% of higher state posts occupied businessmen, now the number has decreased to 6%. 18% with the arrival of Kennedy began to occupy a professor.

One of the priorities of his administration was the termination of the economic downturn. However, its strong positive shifts did not bring his policy: the minimum wage rose insignificantly, measures to combat unemployment were not so effective, as if he would like.

John Kennedy meeting with Khrushchev, Vienna, June 3, 1961. Photo:

The foreign policy of energetic and ambitious Kennedy proceeded in a very tense setting of confrontation from the USSR. Nevertheless, he was not considered a "radical anti-Sovetchik." The Caribbean crisis, who threatened the nuclear war, kept the whole world in tension, although in the end he became a turning point in the Cold War. John Kennedy always advocated the improvement of relations between both the USSR and the United States, and in 1962 the countries concluded the first agreement on the restriction of nuclear tests.

Kennedy also performed for equal rights for blacks, made a lot to master the cosmos, the Apollo program was launched from his filing.

One way

Perhaps he would have done a lot more in his post, if not a rock trip to Dallas. This visit was to be prepared for the fight for re-election in 1964. During the presidential cortex on the streets of the city, the president was killed by several shots: the first bullet fell into the neck from behind and left the front of the throat, the second one - in the head and caused the destruction of the bones of the skull in the occipital part, as well as brain damage. After Kennedy was brought to the hospital, he lived only half an hour.

Kennedy in the presidential limousine a few seconds before the murder. Photo: This tragic case was investigated by a specially convened commission headed by the Chairman of the US Supreme Court Erl Warren. The work was carried out ten months, the verdict became historical. According to the Commission, Kennedy killed a single criminal Harvey Oswaldwhom two days after the attempt in the police station shot a resident of Dallas Jack Ruby.The latter subsequently died in prison.

It is worth noting that most Americans (according to polls - more than 70%) do not believe the official government conclusion. And that is, the reasons. In the investigation, there are still many "white spots". So, having examined the records of negotiations on Radio Police Dallas, the experts came to the conclusion that four shots could be made. Eyewitnesses argue that they all have been distributed from different sides, which makes it possible to assume that Oswald acted not alone. There are many versions about who could book this murder. The theory of conspiracy Mafia, KGB, Cuban emigrants and the CIA seems to be Americans more believable. However, official confirmation none of these versions found. Perhaps the real name of the killer of one of the most charismatic politicians of the United States will remain a mystery.

John Kennedy Brief biography of 35 US president is set out in this article.

John Kennedy Biography briefly

John Kennedy years of reign – 1961 – 1963

John Fitzgerald Kennedy appeared May 29, 1917 In Brooklein in a rich, Irish family. His father was engaged in politics and was a close companion of the famous political figure of Franklin Roosevelt.

John received a decent education, while studying at Harvard, and after he spent some time in London, gaining experience in conducting European politics style. During World War II, Kennedy does not forget to give the duty to the Motherland and and 1941 joins the US Navy in the ruin of Lieutenant, taking part in combat shocks.

In 1953, he marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier and enters the post of senator of Massachusetts. Begins to write books, three of which were published. For them, Kennedy was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1957.

In 1960, at the next elections of the US President, John Kennedy nominates his candidacy for the presidency of the country from the person of the Democratic Party. Having a stunning success, he wins the election, becoming the 35th account and the youngest in the history of the US President. On January 20, 1961, Kennedy utters inaugural speech. New faces came to the government together with him: President of President Robert, as well as Vice-President Lindon Johnson.

In the domestic policy, the President took a course on an economic stable increase in America. Taking as an example for myself Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln, he sought to the black equation in rights. In foreign policy, he sought not only to strengthen the first paraborn position of the United States in the world, but also to improve the attitude of America from the USSR. It is worth noting that the Caribbean crisis falls on his board, as well as the invasion of the country in the war in South Vietnam.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (John Fitzgerald Kennedy) was born on May 29, 1917 in the city of Brookline, Massachusetts.

John Kennedy grew up in a Catholic Irish family, his father was a big businessman, a diplomat and a politician, the mother was obliged to raise children. In total, Joseph Patricks and Roses Elizabeth Kennedy had nine children - four boys and five girls.

Kennedy took the oath of the head of state on January 20, 1961. The Action Plan of the new president was named by the program "New Frontier". With it, Congress approved the creation of the building of the world, raised the minimum wage, liberalized social insurance and adopted the laws on housing construction, helping the distinguished areas of the country, about retraining of labor and payment of benefits temporarily unemployed. During the presidency of Kennedy, a huge step was made in the development of outer space - the Apollo program was launched.

Instead of obsolete doctrines of "discarding communism" and "massive retaliation", the Kennedy administration proclaimed the "flexible response" doctrine (Flexible Response).

At the same time, Kennedy approved the US intervention in the Civil War in South Vietnam, the Berlin and Caribbean crisis fell out for the period of his government.

At the end of 1963, preparing for the upcoming year of elections, the president began a series of trips around the country. On November 21, 1963, Kennedy flew to Texas. The next day, his tuple was solemnly moving along the streets of Dallas, then turned on Elm Street, where exactly at 12.30, in sight of the large crowd of people who were gathered to greet the president, shots thundered.

According to official data, the shots were three. The first bullet hit Kennedy in the back, passed through and went through the neck. She was the cause of injured by the Governor of Texas John Connallie. Another bullet hit the president in the head and was deadly.

Five minutes later, Kennedy was taken to Parkland Hospital. Doctors could not help anywhere and from the injured injuries he died. At about an hour on November 22, the death of President Kennedy was announced. Connels in the same hospital made two operations, and he survived.

Two hours later, the police arrested the 24-year-old Harvey Osvald, the former marine, the police officer of Kennedy.

According to another version, Vice-President Lindon Johnson was standing at the head of the conspiracy, who was not to become president, and director of the FBI Edgar Hooker, his close friend. According to the supporters of this version, Gaver acted in the interests of Mafia, the struggle with which became much more intense after the post of the Prosecutor General took Robert Kennedy, the President of the President.

There are also theories that Kennedy killed Soviet and / or Cuban intelligence services.

They associate the reason for the murder of the president and with his allegedly emerged shortly before the death of interest to UFOs and aliens.

John Kennedy. The award got to him in 1957 for the biographical book "Profiles of courage" (Profiles In Courage), talking about the outstanding Americans, who were in history due to the unshakableness of their nature.

John Kennedy was married to Jacqueline Buvier, who met in 1952. Four children appeared in the Kennedy family of Kennedy, two of which died shortly after birth. The senior daughter Kennedy Caroline studied at a lawyer, worked in the New York Metropolitan Museum, was engaged in charity. In 2009, she claimed a place in the Senate from New York, but later she took off his candidacy.

In October 2013, Caroline Kennedy became the first woman - the US ambassador in Japan. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was a journalist and a lawyer, he died in 1999 at the age of 38 in a plane crash.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources